Friedr. Dick

Founded in 1778 by Johann Friedrich Dick, the F. Dick company upholds the highest possible standards of quality. Originally famed for their cutlery, F. Dicks line of sausage stuffers reflects the same commitment to excellence and craftsmanship. F. Dick sells innovative products and a unique set of comprehensive services, setting high standards and hiring good people, resulting in a workforce comprised of the most experienced and motivated employees in the industry. The F. Dick customer service and general support team is highly motivated; advanced training at the company is a way of life. For dependability and durability F. Dick sausage stuffers, manufactured to perfection, are generally acknowledged to be the best in the world. Manufactured in Germany, the heavy duty 30-pound stuffer will keep working dependably for generations. This heavy duty 30-pound stuffer comes with a cylinder made of stainless steel, a nylon piston and an air release. Sausage stuffers with capacity 21 through 33 pounds come with a S/S gear box, rack and support rods. Call with questions about F. Dick's outstanding commercial quality stuffing products.